Seriál sleduje profesní a osobní životy elitní jednotky námořnických SEALů. Ti trénují, plánují a vykonávají nejnebezpečnější mise s vysokým rizikem, jen aby zajistili Americe bezpečí.
@FahimFazli (03.09.)
SEAL Team | Season 7 Official Trailer | Paramount I was very grateful to be part of the TV show SEAL Team, portraying the character of an Afghan villager leader, and working alongside David boreanaz and Neil Brown and cast and crew I worked before. Being involved in the final season, season 7, episode 10 has been an incredible experience, and I am immensely thankful for the opportunity. Make sure to tune in on August 11, 2024, to catch the premiere and see this memorable season unfold on your TV screen.