Šerif Andy je vdovec a se synem Opiem bydlí u své tety Bee v Mayberry v Severní Karolíně. Mayberry je celkem poklidné městečko, takže Andy spíš tráví čas uklidňováním sousedských nedorozumění než řešením hrozných zločinů.
@MarkManSC (31.07.)
The Andy Griffith Show 1960 - 1968 Opening and Closing Theme The story behind the song:
“Anyone who grew up watching 60s television knows that a show’s theme song was as important as the actors or the script—the first and last thing the audience heard. The Andy Griffith Show‘s theme was written by Earle Hagen and Herbert Spencer with (rarely heard) lyrics by Everett Sloane. Hagen— who also composed themes for The Dick Van Dyke Show, I Spy, The Mod Squad and That Girl—wrote what he considered his most tossed-off for this one. He said of the whistled melody, aka “The Fishin’ Hole,” “I realized what the show needed was a simple tune. So I spent all of 15 minutes writing it. I called my bass player and drummer, and we recorded it in a little studio in Hollywood. I whistled the tune myself.”