The Secret Life of Ian Fleming follows the exciting life of a dashing young Ian Fleming, the mastermind behind the highly successful James Bond books and movies.
Krajina pôvodu: USA (1990)
Dĺžka: 1 hod. a 40 minút
Réžia: Ferdinand Fairfax
Scénar: Robert J. Avrech
Hrajú: Jason Connery, Kristin Scott Thomas, Joss Ackland, Patricia Hodge, David Warner, Richard Johnson, Julian Firth, Marsha Fitzalan, Andrée Bernard, Edita Brychtová, Fiona Fullerton, Clive Mantle, Julia Verdin, Colin Welland, Ingrid Held, David Quilter, Christopher Benjamin, Nicholas Frankau, Bill Wallis, Victor Baring, Geoffrey Chater, Kate Humble, Arkie Whiteley, Tara MacGowran
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