Psychologicko-kriminálny film o tragickom osude mladej ženy, ktorá zapríčinila rozpad dlhoročného manželstva. V byte inžiniera Martina Bogdana náhodne objavia mŕtvolu jeho mladej ženy. Postupne dochádza k odhaľovaniu pravdy o Bogdanovej minulosti, jeho prvom manželstve, pôvodnom povolaní automechanika aj rýchlom postupe v kariére.
A psychological detective film about the tragic story of a young woman who caused the end of a long-time marriage. In the flat of Mr. Bogdan the dead body of his young wife, whom he married only recently, is found. Gradually we learn the truth about Bogdans' past, his first marriage, and the fact that before his advance in career he worked as a car-mechanic.